Tag Archives: original painting

Fresh Art for the New Year and Some Old Friends, too!

I hope you’ve had a lovely holiday, complete with family and friends and lots of chance to relax and visit. My back do0r here on the West Hall’s Harbour Road is ajar and I’d like you to come in and discuss art with Mich and I for a while.  There’s always time in this spell between Christmas and New Year’s Day – and aren’t visits from old friends and new ones what the season is all about. Come in the coffee is on and the woodstove is pumping out heat!

We’ve been focussing on business plan, and disussing the direction Mich’s gallery will take. In the New Year, as ever, Mich will continue to collect art from Canada’s First Peoples as his main focus and secondarily classic Canadian art with a scattering of International pieces as they show up and appeal to him.

A newer goal is to concentrate on supporting the emerging, younger, less affluent collector – making it easier to acquire those first few pieces will be an important goal and we want to encourage you to discuss with Mich an installment or layaway plan – several monthly equal payments including shipping with delivery to take place as the final payment clears.

To the end of presenting you with affordable options Mich will always have an inventory of good pieces at excellent prices and from time to time we will concentrate on how to display fine art in your home.

A case in point are these two small prints, beautifully framed and modestly priced, by Henry Moore. Moore was known for his massive, very simple statues of bronze, meant to be viewed in an outdoors setting.

He was also a fine and very capable draftsman. We may not all have a beautifully landscaped sculpture garden for his huge brozes but we have room on our walls for these lovely small pieces and can afford the very reasonable price.


I promised you a glimpse of an old friend – and here it is – this lovely original painting is of Drag River by John Joy – the colours are lovely and the particular brilliant light of a northern winter day is captured with ease. This painting is waiting to go home to you for a very reasonable price. Contact mich@redkettle.com for details.



And finally – three West Coast native pieces: the Floyd Joseph print shown in Mich’s living room was the starting piece of years of collecting – Wolf Dancing with the Moon – Mich was recently browsing around and was surprised to find this beautiful print offered for sale – of course he had to have it in his home again! But it is for sale, so act fast and it can become yours. Framed and ready for your wall.


I don’t think I have shown this James Leslie Salish ceremonial mask of a deer’s head before – last week I did show the Kwakiutl Raven mask and did a post on Leslie and on West Coast Haida ceremonial masks. Both pieces are for sale – contact mich@redkettle.com for details.

Until next week – which is also next year – Mich and I wish you a very happy and prosperous 2012!